
Added on 5 April 2013
By TopMade
A key function of signage is to DIRECT traffic. In this instance, it’s quite important to have enough signage, in the right places. Consider customers that are walking, driving, and locating specific items within your place of business. Do people ask you over and over again where the bathrooms are? You may need more signs — or to not re-fill their coffee cups as often! 😉
Topmade has provided signage solutions for almost every major Alberta contractor, working on projects from LRT stations to hospitals. For more about how to determine directional signage solutions, please visit our BLOG or CONTACT US.
To learn more about these kinds of signs, visit our GALLERY. Or, click to learn more about signs the ATTRACT and INFORM customers as well.
Directional Signs include types such as Construction Signs, Traffic Signs, Directional Signs, Sandwich Boards, Portable Signs, Reado Board Signs, Road Signs, and Washroom signs.